martes, abril 17, 2007

Navachiste: Isla de La Fantasía y el Encanto

La Bahía de Navachiste tiene en su extensión numerosas islas y entradas de agua. Isla del Carrizo ó “Navachiste” como se le conoce regionalmente no es solamente una simple isla, sino todo lo contrario; todo un paraíso natural. Navachiste se encuentre dentro del complejo de islas de la llamada Bahía de Navachiste, al Noroeste de México, en el Municipio de Guasave Estado de Sinaloa, México.

Navachiste es de esos lugares únicos que provocan que el paseante viva la sensación de encontrarse con el Paraíso. La gente del lugar es muy agradable y servicial. Observaciones de astros son apreciadas por los visitantes, locales, regionales e internacionales por mencionar algunas: eclipses, equinoccios, cometas, lluvia de estrellas entre otros.

La esplendida Bahía de Navachiste se abre gustosa antes los ojos de extraños visitantes desde el Cerro Cabezón, campo pesquero ubicado 30 minutos al Noroeste de la Ciudad de Guasave rumbo a la costa.

En el lugar se pueden realizar excursiones a las montañas, explorar cuevas, descifrar petroglifos e incluso recolectar almejas, patas de mula, patas de mula chocolata, mejillones, caracoles, etc.

Abundan en sus alrededores cuevas de distintos tamaños; mesquites, choyas, breas, arroyos de agua salada, burros blancos.

Dicha isla espera ansiosa cada año en época de semana santa la realización del Festival Interamericano de Poetas para albergar visitantes regionales y extranjeros que se dan cita para dar rienda suelta a su creatividad e ingenio produciendo majestuosas e interesantes obras de arte inspirados en la naturaleza que rodea al lugar.

Dicho evento organiza, dirige y promueve la realización de Talleres de Pintura, Poesía, Recitales, Escultura, Música, Literatura, Danza, Teatro además de proporcionar estancia y alimentación a los asistentes durante toda la semana santa por un precio muy accesible sin olvidar la oportunidad de participar en este Festival y compartir toda la belleza y el encanto de este espectacular santuario.

Para los apasionados de las excursiones, el campismo y actividades recreativas al aire libre encontraran en Navachiste el lugar idóneo para desprenderse de la cotidianeidad urbana y reencontrarse con la naturaleza para experimentar una de las más inolvidables experiencias de su vida.

Por: Ramiro Ibarra

sábado, marzo 31, 2007

About Birds Island in Las Glorias, México

Location: Map G12 D38 From INEGI. Scale 1:50.000 Guasave Municipality, State Of Sinaloa.

Birds Island is located at North East of México at the Gulf of California where there are also included 922 small islands which represent the 50% in total of the islands around all the Mexican territory, nowadays all Mexican islands are considered as Natural Protected Areas and they are special biosphere reserves. It’s a bird’s refuge of migration bird’s statement and wild fauna in August 2nd 1978.

This place of mainland made of stone and sand can be found typical vegetation of salt marshes like: mangrove, vidrillo and chamizos, besides typical vegetation of caducifolian low forest like mezquite, green wood, pitahaya, white twig among others.

The most interesting aspect about this small barren island is that by some cause (still not studied) the birds of different species such as white herons, cormorants, duck diver, gray heron, tildíos gulls and at the highest and and inaccessible trees such as pitahayas has their nest fishing eagles and buzzards, which are contemplated as species in danger given to its reduced number.

In spite of that exist other islands with similar characteristic they deposit its eggs in great number at this place.

  • Birds coexist in harmony including predator birds.
  • Depending on the time of the year, a succession of communities exists.
  • The nests are used several times.
  • This ecosystem requires mainly and special quick attention, because of its dimensions and because is extremely fragile, concerning about the human interference.
  • As an only visible terrestrial predator we found the common snake in addition, has seen that some iguanas eat the eggs that fall down to the ground.

This trip takes place in the Gulf of California or Sea of Cortez. It is one of the most important natural protected areas in Mexico because of its biodiversity. The reserve contains more than 900 Islands.

One of the most important plants is the mangrove. The mangrove controls the salinity of the soil. This allows other plants and animals to grow naturally. The dense mangrove growths provide sheltered areas where many animals find food.

Bird Island is an important refuge for many birds. Through out the year one can observe up to 120 different species of birds. Many of which can be seen in their breeding plumage.

Developed by: B.P. Pedro Rivera Arméndariz
Translated By: Ramiro Ibarra Villegas

jueves, marzo 29, 2007

Bird Island Tour Fantasy Caravans Day 28.03.07

"Images say more than thoursand words..."
The edition of this Tour was awesome! everthing was ready and packed for leaving to the Bird Island early morning! a 7 people crew from Fantasy Caravan could admire and enjoy our natural richness at the mexican west coast.


"Lupe" Was the person in charge about taking care of us at the panga boat trip, an expert fisherman who duyring the trip was explaining the differents kind of birds that arrives to the area at this season: a dozen of rosate spoonbills could be seen, some baby palicans, great egrets and a couple of black-crowned night heroins and more.

A couple of baby palicans 20 days old at the right Pelican´s Flight. During the returning trip a half dozen dolphins join us.

A short walk through the Island for Bird Watching, then A delicious Lunch at Macapule Island.

Special Thanks To:
Mr. Moro Hotel And R.V. Park Resort (

El Cirrito Boat Trips

Fantasy Caracan Crew






And Some Others.

We Will be Waiting for You Next Time!

Sincerly Ramiro Ibarra

miércoles, enero 24, 2007

Bird Watching Through the Mangroves

Sunday, 21st. January 2007

In this occasion the trip started with a special touch! You would wonder why? Well mainly because we are staring a new year and because in the edition of this tour our guest were the first couple of Americans and Canadians that start visiting the Bird Island this 2007.

I would like to congratulate these couples of young heart explorers for its first visit to México, To Sinaloa and especially to the Bird Island in Las Glorias México.

The encounter to leave for the Bird Island Tour was at Mr. Moro Hotel Site, at 8:00 A.M.

Then we decided to move to “La Pitahaya Fishing Field” where the panga boat was waiting for us, for leaving to the Adventure. Once we arrived at 8:20 A.M. Hours. Then everyone was getting ready setting their staff up such as Sandals, Sun Protector, Binoculars, Cameras and some other useful things to have fun during the trip.

After that, I gave the whole information and indications about security and about the place that the crew needed to know.

At 8:45 A.M. We were all ready to experience the Bird Watching World at The Magic Coast Of The Sea of Cortez in Las GLorias, Guasave, Sinaloa México.

At 9:45 A.M. We could see our first Bird, getting its flight up, it was a Roseate Spoonbill and from that moment on the trip started getting more and more interesting.

Many of Magnificent Frigate Birds could be seen by all the travelers, who were very specialized persons with Birds Books List, Birds Migration Schedules, Birds Notes and huge lens to appreciate the beauty and simpleness of this sanctuary.

Before arriving to the Bird Island the list had increased a lot: we could admired heerman´s Gulls Ringbills, Neotropic Comerants, Baby Comerants, Ospreys, White Ibis, Crested Caracaras, ´s Gulls Ringbills, Neotropic Comerants, Baby Comerants, Ospreys, White Ibis, Crested Caracaras, Yellow Crowned Night Herons, Brown Pelicans, Great Egrets, Black-Necked Stilts, Juvenile Redish Egrets, Great Blue Herons and some more…

About 11:15 A.M. we arrived to the “Bird Island” and a bunch of Brown Pelicans, White Ibis, and Comerants were waiting for us.

We could find at the Bird Island through our small walk many comerants nides use for breeding by several kinds of species during the year; also old Cactus, some Nopales and Choyas.

At 11:45 A.M. We decided to move to another Island Called “Macapule Island” with its spectacular Solar Energy LightHouse. All the crew could have the chance for collecting Shells, pick caracals and take a walk for exploring the zone.

12:00 P.M. It was very good for lunch Time, everybody was interested about what the icebox contained inside, What a Surprise For Them!

Everything was ready by the Hotel Cookers: Boiled Eggs, Sandwiches, Different Flavor of Bottled Fruits Juice, Cold Bottled Water, Ice, SoftDrinks, Fresh Fruits, Mexican Chili Salse, Lemon, Lolli Pops and Sweet Pumpkin Candy.

Well, Thanks to everyone who participated to keep this place cleaner than how we found it before arriving! Good Job Guys!

Personally I feel proud of my crew in this edition of the tour because I could learn more about this world which is the Bird Watching Art.

I could learn more about our local natural richness and I could learn how to admire and appreciate every single moment!!

I Hope to see you again next year!


Ramiro Ibarra

Special Thanks To:

Mr. Moro Hotel & R.V. Park Resort / Tavo Miguel Rivera

Adventure Caravans/ Terry & Pat Sisson

La Pitahaya / Panga Boat Driver / Mr. Jose Luis

The Crew /

Curt & Chris Bollar
Jim & Betty Church
Don & Barbara Jania-Smith
Don Mitchel & Linda Hayes
Dick & Georgia Simpson
Bill & Ginny Taylor
Pat Watt & Bill Dillon